Vaccinated Economy Trials

The Victorian Government has announced it will conduct trials in businesses and events across highly vaccinated parts of regional Victoria to help our state open progressively as a vaccinated economy.

Up to 20 trials will test systems and support in the fortnight before Victoria aims to reach the 70 per cent full vaccination mark on 26 October.

The trials are scheduled to start from 11 October, and will cover hospitality, hairdressing, beauty services and tourism businesses, as well as events such as race meetings, community celebrations and concerts.

In Gippsland, the Bass Coast and East Gippsland local government areas (LGA’s) will be invited to participate in the trials, given their high vaccination rates and low or no COVID-19 cases.

(Other regional areas invited to participate include Greater Bendigo, Pyrenees, Warrnambool and Buloke)

The Government will work with local councils and industry bodies to identify suitable businesses and events.

The trials will confirm the best processes for establishing vaccination status, with work underway on how Commonwealth vaccination data can be best integrated with the Service Victoria app.

A second round of trials will use 80 per cent double dose settings. A trial of larger events in Melbourne will test the systems and technologies with larger crowd sizes.

The trials will include training for staff, supports for business owners and public communication of vaccine requirements. Support officers will ensure trials run smoothly and participating businesses receive the assistance they need.

Businesses located in the Bass Coast or East Gippsland LGAs that would like to participate in the Vaccinated Economy Trial should raise their interest via their relevant industry peak body or local council.

We encourage our members, and any other food and fibre businesses wanting to take part in the trial to get in touch and we can facilitate the connections required - click here to send us an email

For more information on the trials, visit: Vaccinated Economy Trials

Changes to restrictions from 11.59pm, Tuesday 28 September
The Victorian Government has also announced Victoria is set to hit its first vaccination target on the Roadmap to Deliver the National Plan this week.

On Tuesday 28 September, 80 per cent of Victorians will have received their first dose. Victoria’s Chief Health Officer has declared a modest easing of restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria from 11.59pm on Tuesday 28 September.

In regional Victoria:

  • outdoor settings for restaurants and cafes will see the outdoor venue cap increase from 20 to 30 people

  • masks may be removed if the service requires it in hair and beauty salons, including for facials and beard trimmings.

In metropolitan Melbourne and regional areas in lockdown:

  • contactless, outdoor recreation can resume, such as boating, tennis or golf

  • the 10km radius for exercise and shopping will expand to 15km

  • personal training will be able to take place with five fully vaccinated people outside, plus a fully vaccinated trainer

  • additional restrictions on playgrounds will be lifted.

For more information on the Roadmap, or to book a vaccination, visit


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