Informed and Supported Workers (ISW)
Delivered between July 2022-September 2023, our Informed and Supported Workers (ISW) Program aimed to provide dedicated holistic support to vulnerable seasonal workers and improve the sustainability of Gippsland’s workforce across the agricultural sector.
Provision of information in a range of languages, training and skills development, employment and pastoral support, and promotion of COVID-safe behaviours are just some of the areas this pilot program focused on. Addressing barriers and concerns were central to the project, which sought to build cultural competency.
Funded by the Victorian government, the Informed and Supported Workers Program was an important initiative which delivered targeted services to growers and seasonal workers. Food & Fibre Gippsland worked closely with organisations who assist culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) and other vulnerable communities, undertaking collaborative activities that strengthened and boosted Victoria’s seasonal horticulture workforce.
Consultants initially completed a needs assessment through consultation with workers, growers, and industry groups. Priority areas were then identified for the program’s focus, including cultural awareness, sexual health, alcohol awareness, English lessons, driver training and social activities. The ISW Program commenced in July 2022 as a pilot initiative and concluded in September 2023. A case study of the program can be downloaded here.
For any enquiries relating to the ISW program, please contact us via email:
Some of the resources developed for the ISW program include:
Gippsland’s weather
The picture below shows the four seasons in Gippsland. For workers arriving in Australia during winter, it’s recommended that to have closed-in shoes, long pants, and a warm jacket.
What to expect when working in Gippsland
These videos show what it’s like working on vegetable farms in Gippsland. The first video was filmed at Hussey & Co in Newry, while the second video shows Bulmer Farms’ horticulture business at Lindenow.
Take a look at the ISW monthly newsletters to find out more about the program, and how it was delivered. The newsletters are linked below and can also be found on our ‘Latest News’ page. Monthly ‘What’s On’ calendars were also developed during the project, linking workers with exciting events, markets and activities across Gippsland.
Newsletters and ‘What’s On’ posters
Farm safety videos
Fruit Growers Victoria have created a series of farm safety videos on fruit-picking farms and may be useful when teaching workers about farm safety. The videos can be accessed in English and nine other languages.
Resources for seasonal workers
Cultural and religious dates
It’s important to acknowledge and celebrate significant cultural and religious events that impact seasonal workers. Pacific Islanders give high priority to one annual celebration, the independence of their homeland. It’s a positive step when growers recognise and support significant dates for their workers.
Calendar of cultural and religious dates for 2025 (homeaffairs.gov.au)
Independence celebration days
Nauru - 31 January (1968) | Timor Leste - 20 May (2002) | Samoa - 1 June (1962) | Tonga - 4 June (1970) | Solomon Islands - 7 July (1978) | Kiribati - 12 July (1979) | Vanuatu - 30 July (1980) | Papua New Guinea - 16 September (1975) | Tuvalu - 1 October (1978) | Fiji - 10 October (1970)
For more information about independence celebration days:
Ask Izzy is a website that connects anyone in immediate need. Assistance available includes housing, a meal, money help, family violence support, counselling and much more. It’s free and anonymous, with thousands of services listed across Australia.
Multilingual posters for workers and growers
Are you having difficulty communicating important information to your workers, due to language barriers? Here are a few simple posters, in multiple languages, for you to download. The pictures below are linked to external websites, where the A4 posters are available at no cost.
These resources cover occupational health and safety issues in the workplace.
More posters and resources
For multilingual posters and translated resources, the websites below may be useful.
The Pacific Australia Labour Mobility (PALM) scheme website provides resources and information to assist with the seasonal employment of workers from nine Pacific islands and Timor-Leste.
WorkSafe Victoria has a range of resources on its Safety Communication webpage. Many of these posters and resources have been translated in up to 20 different languages.
Visit nib - Member services forms and brochures and scroll down the page to find forms, brochures and health cover information for international members.
I Am Digital is a program developed by Save the Children and Meta to educate and empower youth and adults to have safer, more positive online experiences.
Food & Fibre Gippsland delivered the Informed and Supported Workers Program.
The Informed and Supported Workers Program was funded by Agriculture Victoria.
Engagement was provided as part of the VegNET Gippsland Program.
The above information outlines one of our past programs undertaken to support the food and fibre sector. We continue to seek new and innovative ways to foster success and prosperity within our industry.
If you have any questions about our previous or current projects, please contact us via email: info@foodandfibregippsland.com.au.