Sometimes opportunities and challenges are too big for one organisation to tackle alone. Join us!
We champion the efforts, successes, trials, product quality and learnings of all our members.
Through networking, innovation and idea creation, members across a broad range of businesses all over Gippsland can learn from each other and perhaps in many situations, see each other as collaborators rather than competitors.
Whatever, wherever and however it is, we are here to help.
Businesses generally fall into the following membership categories:
General Members
General membership applies to a business engaged in any of the following:
food or fibre production and/or processing
the preparation of food using Gippsland products
the distribution and selling of Gippsland products
directly supporting the food and fibre supply chain
Strategic Industry Partner Members
This membership category applies to organisations or businesses not directly involved in food and fibre production, supply chain support, manufacturing, processing, distribution or retailing, but who want to connect to the industry. This membership category is by negotiation - email us to find out more.
If you are already a member, please login here.
Key member benefits:
Twelve months’ access to the Export Connect Portal for our members free, a saving of $299
Member Deals and Offers Board on F&FG website
A network of like-minded businesses
Dedicated Jobs Board for members to advertise roles
Collaboration and networking opportunities
Member and industry events - and the opportunity to share events relating to the food and fibre industry with others
Tips and business insights
Provision of letters of support for grant applications
Profile and post sharing on social media channels
Member logo and listing in the F&FG Membership Directory to drive business to your website
Advocacy on industry issues at all levels of government
Opportunities to participate in key projects and programs that can help your business grow
Discounted member rate for use of the Gippsland Trusted Provenance brandmark