Support for Small Scale and Craft Producers

The Victorian Government is supporting small-scale and craft businesses across the state, helping producers work together to put their high-quality produce on the tourism map.


Stream three of the Small-Scale and Craft Program is officially open for project applications and Gippsland producers are encouraged to join the many other small-scale and craft producers across the state that have received grants through previous streams of the program – including gourmet pie producers, olive growers, sake distillers and alpaca farmers. 

To support the region’s businesses eligible for this program, Food & Fibre Gippsland is collaborating with Destination Gippsland to offer help in gathering information and reviewing grant applications before submitting, workshopping ideas with businesses and providing letters of support where appropriate.

Janine Hayes from Destination Gippsland, and Jody O’Brien from Food & Fibre Gippsland are the key people to reach out to if you’ve got an idea but you’re not sure where to start with your application, or if you’d like a fresh set of eyes to read over your submission and offer any suggestions or additions to best present your project and how it fits into the region’s broader agri-tourism strategy and activity.

Just click on their names above to send an email and get in touch.

Stream Three offers grants of between $25,000 and $100,000 for eligible small-scale and craft agribusinesses.

These grants will support projects that showcase multiple producers and support the creation of distinct visitor experiences, creating tourist attractions that put their region on the map.

The Government is helping small agribusinesses grow as a key pillar of its Agriculture Strategy, which will in turn boost visitation to regional towns and create jobs.

Project will need to demonstrate how they will:

  • develop new agri-visitor experiences across Victoria

  • ensure Victoria continues to be a leader in artisanal produce, showcasing the sector's excellence, resilience, sustainability and local job creation

  • create opportunities for communities and visitors to engage with the unique small-scale and craft sector

  • increase understanding of and customer connection with Victoria’s small-scale agribusinesses.

The Small-Scale and Craft Program supports the vision for an agriculture sector that is strong, innovative, and sustainable. It is a $10.2 million program over four years that delivers on the Government’s election commitment.

To find out more about the Small-Scale and Craft Program visit,

Applications close on November 19.


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