Latest news

Welcoming Workplaces Webinar
Agriculture Victoria, in partnership with Red Cross, is delivering a webinar that will help dairy businesses build capacity on cultural competency in the workplace, and in enhancing diversity and inclusion within agricultural businesses.

Soil Moisture Monitoring Field Day
Want to know more about improved irrigation practices in the vegetable growing industry? This Friday 6th of May, VegNET Gippsland and Farm Express Salads are hosting a field day in Boisdale.

Supporting Seasonal Workers
Throughout 2021, Food & Fibre Gippsland collaborated with a range of industries across the region to highlight the diversity of roles on offer. SWISP, the Seasonal Worker Program funded by Agriculture Victoria, aims to attract a number of different cultures and nationalities to jobs in the region. To support this, a selection of the most relevant and content specific videos have been translated into five different languages.

Keeping COVID-Safe in Horticulture during Harvest
Agriculture Victoria, WorkSafe Victoria, the Labour Hire Authority, the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions and the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) are holding regular joint webinars prior to harvest to assist horticulture producers to navigate the latest requirements relating to COVID-19 and COVID Safe plans.
Their operational staff can answer your questions and provide additional information.