Latest news

Soil Moisture Monitoring Field Day
Want to know more about improved irrigation practices in the vegetable growing industry? This Friday 6th of May, VegNET Gippsland and Farm Express Salads are hosting a field day in Boisdale.

AUSVEG Victoria Awards
The 2022 AUSVEG Victoria Awards for Excellence will be presented next Saturday 7 May at the Pullman Melbourne Albert Park. The Awards for Excellence are a fantastic way to acknowledge and recognise the outstanding contributions of individuals and companies to the horticulture industry.

Pest and Disease Masterclass
VegNET Gippsland will be hosting the AUSVEG Biosecurity team and Agriculture Victoria's Area Wide Management project team for two workshops in April. These will be hands-on masterclasses where scientific experts and industry advisors will run practical sessions on pests and diseases affecting vegetables.

Hort Connections - Brisbane
Hort Connections is on from the 6th to the 8th of June at the Brisbane Convention Centre, with early bird tickets available until the 28th of April. The theme for 2022 – Growing Together – will highlight the importance for every sector of the horticulture industry to come together to build a stronger more resilient food system to feed local and international consumers.