New job for young Gippslander
Connect 2 Employment is Food & Fibre Gippsland’s Employment program, supported by the Victorian Government’s $619.4 million Jobs Victoria initiative.
With a wide range of job seekers registered with the program, our team of Job Seeker Mentors are working hard every day with employers of all sizes across many industries in Gippsland to identify job opportunities and then match the right people with the right jobs.
Our scope is much more than jobs on farms.
We place people in hospitality, in food processing and manufacturing, transport, logistics, supply chain management and administration roles across diverse range of industries. Along with horticulture, dairy, beef & sheep farming, we also include the forestry & timber industry, fisheries, tourism, retail, land management and conservation and paper manufacturing.
Our support for both the new employee and employer doesn’t stop once a new employee starts.
Connect 2 Employment helps with providing the appropriate PPE, footwear and work attire, as well as upskilling people with employability certificates and training like an RSA, a forklift license or whatever might be beneficial to them in their new workplace.
Zach Bartlett- receiving a fuel voucher from Connect 2 Employment-Jobs Victoria
The support we provide goes way beyond just getting the job, as we help people transition into full time employment, supporting them for up to 26 weeks with mentoring and coaching to maximise their success in a new workplace.
Zach Bartlett is a participant in our Connect 2 Employment Jobs Victoria program.
He’s recently started a new job in the horticulture industry with Dicky Bill Australia - at the Dicky Bills farm in Maffra in Gippsland’s Wellington Shire.
Zach’s new job is a tractor operator/farm hand - so our Connect 2 Employment program has supported him with work boots and a fuel voucher to help with getting to and from work in the first few weeks before he gets paid.
If you’re looking for work, our team can help with all sorts of support that goes way beyond just “getting a job”.
Simply register as a job seeker and one of our Connect 2 Employment Team will be in touch to help you on your way to preparing for and finding the job that is right for you.