Latest news

Member Benefits 2022
An open letter to all members - first sent July 2022
We’re listening to feedback about what’s important to members and we’re excited to introduce a wide range of new Food & Fibre Gippsland membership benefits and features.

Building workforce capacity in Forestry
The demand for timber in Australia is projected to grow at roughly the same rate as the population. With the current population of 25.7*million expected to increase thirty-five million by 2040, that potentially means around a 36% increase in demand for Australian timber over the next two decades.
That demand naturally drives the need to continue to build workforce capacity and capability, and when it comes careers in forestry, there is a large and diverse range of opportunities in Gippsland.

Hospitality & Tourism Support
Good news for Gippsland’s hospitality and tourism related businesses.
Jobs Victoria is rolling out a number of initiatives to support regional hospitality and tourism operators who continue to face #staff shortages.

Careers in Forestry
There is a diverse range of career opportunities in the Forestry Industry.
We've teamed up with the Gippsland Forestry Hub to create a fantastic course to showcase what's on offer.