Vaccination Deadline Update

The Victorian Government has announced the 12 February 2022 deadline for workers in key sectors (including food distribution and meat and seafood processing) to have received their COVID-19 third dose vaccination will be extended by four weeks.

 Workers in key sectors eligible to receive an additional COVID-19 vaccine by 12 January 2022, will be required to receive a COVID-19 third dose vaccine by 12 March 2022 following a four-week extension, provided they can demonstrate a booking.

 Workers in key sectors who were not eligible to receive an additional COVID-19 vaccine by 12 January 2022 will be required to receive their COVID-19 third dose vaccine by 29 March 2022.

 Employers must also confirm the worker has received their third dose and keep a record of workers’ third dose vaccination status, in line with the Pandemic Order issued.

 Definition of food distribution premises

  •  The definition of a food distribution premises has been clarified on the Coronavirus website as follows:

 Is a farm business or a farm that has packing facilities as part of their operations considered a ‘food distribution premises’ under the third dose vaccination requirement?

NoWorker vaccination requirements defines a food distribution worker as someone who works at or in connection with a premises that has the primary purpose of the distribution of food, and is an onsite worker at that premises who is a:

·        manufacturing worker; or

·        port or freight worker; or

·        meat and seafood processing worker.

A farm selling its produce, a saleyard or market, or an on-farm packing shed (e.g. fruit and vegetables) are excluded from the scope of the mandatory third dose requirement.

An off-farm packing or food distribution centre is included.

Some other important links for business include:

 Get information on managing a case of COVID-19 in the workplace


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