The Edibility of Insects
As part of Food & Fibre Gippsland’s Smart Specialisation program, in collaboration with the Latrobe Valley Authority, there is work underway on assessing the viability of a commercial insect farming industry as a valuable addition to the Gippsland region.
Consumer acceptance and interest in edible insects is growing rapidly in Australia.
The ABC recently announced that 2022 is the "Year of the Cricket", with cricket protein powder rising in popularity as a sustainable "superfood".
With a neutral flavour profile, impressive quantities of all nine essential amino acids and nutrients including iron, magnesium and vitamin B12, insects are a valuable protein source.
There’s even a hot prediction that crickets will replace kale, acai and blueberries as a mainstream superfood.
Check out the article here
We’ve created a short (3 question) survey that you can access via this link:
What we’d like to know is your thoughts and interest in the nutritional aspects of edible insects - and we’ll use these results to help us in determining our next steps for exploratory activity in this space.
Thanks for your participation.
Cricket flour