Latest news

Keeping COVID-Safe in Horticulture during Harvest
Agriculture Victoria, WorkSafe Victoria, the Labour Hire Authority, the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions and the Victorian Farmers Federation (VFF) are holding regular joint webinars prior to harvest to assist horticulture producers to navigate the latest requirements relating to COVID-19 and COVID Safe plans.
Their operational staff can answer your questions and provide additional information.

Agriculture Resilience and Recovery Program
The Victorian Government is fast-tracking the road to recovery for agriculture and food supply chain businesses in rural and regional Victoria.
The new program provides grants of between $10,000 and $300,000 to support on-farm infrastructure, business upgrades and new facilities to enable businesses to adapt their operations to COVIDSafe settings.

COVIDSafe for Business
Run by locals for locals, a series of practical workshops are being offered by Regional Development Victoria (RDV) to help Gippsland businesses get a fast and simple outline of the current COVID requirements for workplaces, worksites and businesses.
Starting Tuesday 27 July, sessions will be run online to keep businesses informed as requirements change.
These sessions are designed to give a short, sharp overview so people can get back to spending time and energy on their business!

COVIDSafe Plan reminder
It is mandatory for every Victorian business with on-site operations to have a COVIDSafe Plan. Businesses must review and update their COVIDSafe Plans regularly, especially when restrictions or public health advice changes. Organisations with multiple worksites must complete a COVIDSafe Plan for each worksite.