Regional Digital Connectivity

Digital Connection – we all need it !

In our $7 billion food and fibre sector, the need to embrace Agtech is ever present, and with a Federal Government goal to increase the value of Australian agriculture to $100 billion by 2030 – widespread adoption of Agtech will be vital. But without high-quality, high-speed connectivity in paddocks to support services and supply chains, incorporating technology into farming operations is a real challenge.

Telstra and TPG are working together to find solutions in regional and rural areas for business and personal customers – by way of sharing infrastructure – known as a Multi -Operator Core Network (MOCN). How it would work is that Telstra provides TPG access to their 4G and 5G radio access network in certain regional and urban fringe areas.

Whilst there have been improvements in coverage as Telstra and Optus have continued to expand mobile networks and there’s been Government investment in blackspot programs, the challenge is keeping pace with an always increasing demand for data services.

The Telstra-TPG sharing solution makes sense; Telstra already has the infrastructure which can use the TPG Spectrum to improve coverage for both Telstra and new TPG Customers.

It can also give Gippslanders more choice as often regional areas often only have one or two choices of provider. With this Telstra-TPG MOCN, many rural and regional areas will increase their choice of 4G/5G providers, giving TPG the opportunity to compete by offering innovative products and services, including what is needed to support the food and fibre sector. It will be especially helpful for agtech like connected water pumps, soil moisture probes and cattle monitors.

To make this happen requires authorization from the ACCC – and they’d like to hear from Gippslanders about their thoughts on the agreement.

You can read more about the Telstra TPG deal in the attached flyer – and then all you need to is get in touch with the ACCC to share your views and thoughts.

You just need to cover a few points in your email to the ACCC :

  • Who you are

  • Why and how this Telstra / TPG MOCN agreement would affect you

  • Your views on the MOCN and what it will mean for you in terms of the services you receive and what the impact could be for you on coverage and choice?

 It’s a tight deadline, the ACCC has asked for views by Tuesday 14 June – to make it quick for you – just click on this email link and we’ve pre-populated an email with all the official details you need to include – so all you have to do is write in your thoughts and views !

If you’d prefer to speak to someone to share your thoughts – that’s easy as well – you can call;

  • Soo Sian Koh on 03 9290 1904

  • Janet Li on 02 9102 4024

 Telstra recognises that the Telstra -TPG MOCN will not solve all the coverage issues in regional and rural Australia, and whilst progress has been made in continuing network rollout, they know that continued fresh thinking is needed to address connectivity issues.

 Don’t miss the opportunity to share your thoughts with the ACCC by the 14th of June. 


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