Input sought from leafy veg growers

Leafy vegetable growers encouraged to provide input into FSANZ’s proposal P1052 – PPP Requirements for Horticulture

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has been asked by ministers responsible for food regulation to look at the best way to manage food safety risks relating to berries, leafy vegetables and melons.

FSANZ has prepared Proposal P1052 ‘Primary Production and Processing Requirements for Horticulture’.

This includes looking at potential regulatory and non-regulatory approaches.

To help inform the assessment of P1052, AUSVEG intends to put in a submission on behalf of growers.

Leafy vegetable growers are encouraged to provide input and share their views with AUSVEG National Manager – Engagement and Extension, Zarmeen Hassan on 0452 427 977 or at

Public consultation documents can be reviewed here and closes on 9 February 2022.


Meet the Grower: Frank Nobile


Consultation on domestic organics market