Farm Forestry Grants
Would a program that integrates timber trees into your whole of farm plan be of interest to you?
Cows and Trees - Photo credit Just Add Trees
VicForests is establishing a program in Gippsland for landholders, to encourage the expansion of farm forestry plantations to help meet critical future timber and fibre requirements.
In the first year of the Program (2022-23) Grant Funding will be available to selected participants following an application process.
Forestry and Farming - photo credit
Just Add Trees
The Program will focus on the establishment of suitable tree species and planting regimes that best integrate with the agricultural enterprise and the unique natural and built elements of the property and its surrounds.
These plantations will be used as demonstration sites for future potential participants.
Grant applications are open until the 12th of August, 2022.
Further information is available via the Vic Forests website or email the VicForests team