Covid-19 in the workplace

As an employer, when you become aware of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at your workplace, you must respond quickly to limit further exposure and contain potential outbreaks.

If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 at your workplace, you must:


  1. Direct the worker to return home and isolate immediately, whether or not they have symptoms. Once home, the worker must wait for further instructions from the Victorian Department of Health.

  2. Notify the department by completing the Employer COVID-19 notification form and emailing

    If the Department of Health has not contacted you within 24 hours of notification please call 1300 651 160.

  3. Notify your workers, suppliers and customers that there is a confirmed positive case.

  4. Notify WorkSafe and other relevant industry bodies.

Within 48 hours

  1. Complete the Workplace risk assessment

  2. Identify workplace close contacts by completing the Close contact spreadsheet
    Your immediate action assists the Department of Health with contact tracing. The department will review the spreadsheet to confirm and identify any additional close contacts.

  3. Submit the Workplace risk assessment document and Close contact spreadsheet by emailing:

  4. Notify identified close contacts – ask them to quarantine and watch for symptoms. The Department of Health will also contact close contacts to explain what they need to do, offer assistance, and offer support to them for their quarantine period. 

  5. Consider closing or vacating the workplace if required. The Department of Health will work with you on the measures you need to take and provide information when it is safe for your business to reopen. 

  6. Deep clean the workplace or areas identified in the Workplace risk assessment.
    See Cleaning and disinfecting to reduce COVID-19 transmission in the workplace

For more detailed instructions see the Confirmed case checklist

If you need help with any of these steps, please call The Department of Health on 1300 651 160.

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