Vaccination information links

With COVID-19 vaccination deadlines approaching, there are two important links to check regularly, as information is updated on a regular basis.

These are the links :

Food & Fibre Gippsland has been involved in many hours of liaison with Government and other industry peak bodies regarding the Victorian Government health mandated vaccinations announcement and first deadline of October 15.

All the industry feedback and frustrations we have received around questions and answers has been passed on during those sessions. 

Whilst not all, many of the questions have been clarified with further information which has been updated daily and we strongly recommend you review the two websites via the links provided above. 

These have been updated daily and will likely continue to be updated - we encourage our members and anyone in business needing information, to revisit these pages over the next few days for answers to outstanding questions. 

We acknowledge and appreciate the burden of responsibility has been left with employers, site managers, and premises owners and this has created angst and confusion, which is shared across the industry. 

Together with other industry peak bodies, Food & Fibre Gippsland will continue to advocate, noting Agriculture Victoria have been working tirelessly to get clarification and clear answers on the multiple meeting sessions we’ve been attending and will continue to provide us with ongoing briefings.

Nicola Pero
Food & Fibre Gippsland - CEO


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