Latest news

Member Benefits 2022
An open letter to all members - first sent July 2022
We’re listening to feedback about what’s important to members and we’re excited to introduce a wide range of new Food & Fibre Gippsland membership benefits and features.

New Benefits and Features for F&FG Members
We’ve introduced a wide range of new Food & Fibre Gippsland membership benefits and features, including a dedicated Jobs Board for members to advertise job vacancies, a Member Deals and Offers page to promote your products and business - and more !

New Look for Flavorite
After nearly 30 years, Australian fresh produce company, Flavorite, is set to take on a brand new look.

Boost for Barramundi Farm
Gippsland will become home to the world’s largest indoor barramundi aquaculture farm with financial support from the Federal Government.
The Federal Government has announced a $30 million grant for Opal and Mainstream’s Latrobe Valley Aquaculture project at Maryvale Mill in the Latrobe Valley.