Seven food and fibre projects across Gippsland will receive a major boost as part of the ‘What’s Your Food or Fibre Challenge, Gippsland?’ initiative.
From bringing native bush foods to market, to developing a Gippsland-made fish sauce from carp, the initiative will help bring innovative ideas to life with research and industry expert support.
What’s Your Food or Fibre Challenge, Gippsland? was launched in March at Federation University’s Morwell Innovation Centre.
The initiative invited the local food and fibre sector to pitch how by solving their challenges they could grow their businesses and their industry.
Businesses across Gippsland with diverse challenges participated in the initiative and the following applicants were successful:
Ingram’s Wild Catch - Fish sauce made from carp is one of the seven projects selected
Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation
Bulmer Farms
Kiel Industries
Ingram Wild Caught Fisheries
Gurneys Cider
South Gippsland Dairy
Gippsland Jersey
These organisations will receive comprehensive research and innovation support, funding and collaboration from experts and leaders in academia, business, science and the food and fibre industry.
The food and fibre sector contributes $7 billion of Gippsland’s $16 billion gross regional product and is expected to grow, according to the 2019 KPMG report ‘Accelerating growth for the Gippsland food and fibre industry’.
‘What’s your Food or Fibre Challenge, Gippsland?’ is funded by the Victorian Government’s Gippsland Regional Partnership.
It is being delivered by Federation University and Food & Fibre Gippsland with partnership and support provided by Regional Development Victoria, Food Agility CRC, Food Innovation Australia Limited, Latrobe Valley Authority, TAFE Gippsland and the Committee for Gippsland.
Bush food
Organisation: Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC)
This project will enable GLaWAC to carry the Gunaikurnai people’s 60,000-year history of land care and custodianship into the future by producing a feasibility study into commercial product opportunities for native bush foods in the region.
Trickle tape recycling
Organisation: Bulmer Farms
This project will involve research into the possible reuse or recycling options for single-use, non-biodegradable trickle tape that is used to maximise water in Bulmer Farms’ intensive vegetable farming. It aims to make their business and local agriculture more sustainable.
Flexible food grade bin liner
Organisation: Kiel Industries
This project aims to help Kiel Industries develop a biodegradable food-grade bin liner that is strong enough to transport seafood while having the flexibility to sit within collapsible transport bins. The bin-liners will reduce the economic and environmental cost on the return journey from market.
Carp fish sauce
Organisation: Ingram Wild Caught Fisheries
This project will help to develop a business and marketing plan for Ingram Wild Caught Fisheries’ fish sauce made from carp. The sauce has the potential to become the only Australian-made fish sauce, while solving the environmental problem caused by this major pest in Gippsland’s waterways.
Cider pasteurisation
Organisation: Gurneys Cider
This project will assist Gurneys Cider with research into the most efficient and environmentally friendly pasteurisation process for their business. It will enable them and potentially other small-to-medium cider breweries to scale up and grow their businesses.
Colostrum tablet and powder
Organisation: South Gippsland Dairy
This project seeks to undertake further market development of colostrum as a commercial product and to conduct clinical trials and research. It aims to further South Gippsland Dairy’s engagement in the human nutrition space and to help grow the local colostrum market segment for other dairies.
Dairy factory of the future
Organisation: Gippsland Jersey
This project seeks to develop a feasibility study into Gippsland Jersey creation of a centrally located, all-inclusive dairy manufacturing plant for Gippsland Jersey that will enable supply chain efficiencies and attract a visitor economy, helping to make Gippsland a world-leading dairy hub.