New support payments announced

The Victorian Government has announced a range of new supports to bolster communities and businesses most affected by the current restrictions.

An injection of $282.5 million means 90,000 businesses and sole traders will now share in up to $484.3 million in support for the 12 days of the current restrictions.

This includes:

  • Eligible Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021 recipients will receive $4,200, taking total payment to $7,200.

  • Eligible Business Costs Assistance Package Round Two recipients will receive $2,800, taking total payment to $4,800.

  • Businesses that had not previously applied, or have become eligible to apply, will be welcome to apply for July lockdown support payments and will be considered outside the automatic top-up process.

  • The vast majority of microbusinesses not registered for GST will be eligible for the Commonwealth Government COVID-19 Disaster Payment of $600/$375 per seven-day period. The Victorian Government will establish a concierge service to help these businesses access this support.

  • Alpine businesses that were eligible for grants of up to $15,000 will receive an extra $3,000 through a fresh $1.2 million injection, on top of any entitlements under Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021 or Business Costs Assistance Package Round Two.

  • Eligible public events and public events suppliers affected by the lockdown will receive support of up to $25,000 and $10,000 respectively through an extension of the Impacted Public Events Support Program.

  • A new round of the Live Performance Support programs will provide up to $7,000 for presenters and up to $2,000 for suppliers.

  • The Sporting Clubs Grants Program will provide $2,000 grants for community sport and active recreation organisations for events unable to proceed.

The Victorian Government has provided almost $7 billion in direct economic support for businesses over the course of the pandemic, including more than $500 million through the May/June restrictions period.

Some $180 million was paid on 19 and 20 July 2021 to more than 86,000 Victorian businesses eligible for the first five days of the current lockdown.

Further information on these programs will be published soon on the Business Victoria website.


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