Is your business as efficient as you would like it to be?

A new year, a new start.. time to get your business sorted and ready for anything that 2021 may throw at us! Liz Fleming – The Efficiency Coach is a business mentor and accountant with a farming background, having grown up on a sheep and beef farm in NZ. She knows a thing or two about creating efficiencies in business with her hands-on farming experience and her corporate finance experience in large and small organisations. One of our Strategic Industry Partner Members, Liz is the efficiency expert who hates seeing time and resources being wasted!


A new year, a new start.. Time to get your business sorted and ready for anything that 2021 may throw at us!
Liz Fleming – The Efficiency Coach is a business mentor and accountant with a farming background, having grown up on a sheep and beef farm in NZ.

She knows a thing or two about creating efficiencies in business with her hands-on farming experience and her corporate finance experience in large and small organisations. She is the efficiency expert who hates seeing time and resources being wasted!

Nobody has time to waste by doing things twice or unnecessarily or not at all (when it’s kind of critical!)… it’s all about making sure the right person is doing the right task at the right time, to drive more profit, give you more time, leading to a more fulfilled lifestyle.

Liz has achieved this by creating processes, documenting them in a structured way and communicating these to the staff so they understand how they fit into the big picture and the overall business. By mapping out the processes and identifying the interdependencies can make a huge difference to business operations.

Her clients rave about her ability to identify new ideas, ask those challenging questions about the reasons why things are done certain ways, and critically analysing whether those processes are serving your business well.

Sometimes it takes a new person’s perspective to change the way to create the efficiencies desired by us all.


  • A comprehensive review of your business operations, systems and processes

  • Identification of ways to improve your efficiencies to create effective and more efficient ways to operate

  • A site visit so Liz can better understand your business and gain a real insight

There are limited spaces available, so email or phone Liz today to find out more about how to start 2021 in the most efficient way.

m: 0405 541 460 |

***This is an exclusive offer for Food & Fibre Gippsland members, if you are not a member and would like to know more about joining the growing number of food & fibre businesses of all sizes who are part of the member family - check out more here ***


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