Informed and Supported Workers Program
This newsletter provides the latest information about the Informed and Supported Workers (ISW) Program in Gippsland.
ISW webpage launch
We are very pleased to announce the launch of our Informed and Supported Workers webpage. It’s designed to be helpful and informative for both employers and workers, with plenty of information and resources. The webpage is a work in progress, so please keep checking in as we add more content to it; we would also love any feedback you have!
Chicken dinners a way of thanking workers
We encourage growers to take the time to get to know their workers, and to celebrate each individual and the hard work that they do. Something as simple and inexpensive as a BBQ lunch or pizza party can be a great way to foster a happy workplace culture - it makes workers feel valued and creates a strong working relationship that generates ongoing loyalty to the grower. Having all levels of management attend the event, along with the workers, is strongly encouraged. Here is an example of how Fruit Growers Victoria and local growers in Shepparton have connected with their workers: Chicken dinners a way of thanking workers after winning harvest | PALM scheme. Should you want help setting up an event for your workers, please don’t hesitate to contact Emily (details below).
Celebrating cultural holidays
Pacific Islanders give high priority to one annual celebration, which acknowledges the independence of their homeland. It would be wonderful if growers recognised and supported these significant days for their workers. This month includes the following two celebrations:
Samoa – Independence Day, 1 June (1962)
Tonga – Independence Day, 4 June (1970)
Cultural diversity information sessions
The ISW Program, along with AMES Australia, are seeking expressions of interest from growers to participate in a Cultural Diversity Information Session to help better understand culturally and linguistically diverse (CaLD) workers. The session will focus on culture, diversity, and multiculturalism in the workplace, and fostering a positive and inclusive workplace culture while improving on-farm safety and productivity. To register your interest, or to find out more, please download the flyer or email Emily.
Sexual health education
The ISW Program is organising regular sexual health education sessions for workers in Gippsland. The sessions will cover topics such as sexual health, personal hygiene and healthy behaviours in general. If you would like to know more, or to register any of your workers to attend these sessions, please get in touch with Emily.
English lessons
With the assistance of AMES Australia, the ISW Program can help your workers improve their basic English skills and confidence through an in-person and online training course. If you would like to discuss organising English Lessons for your workers, please email Emily.
Safe Driver Training
Following on from a successful event in Koo Wee Rup, we are now finalising the Sale Safe Driver Training course for Sunday, June 4th. If you would like to register any of your workers for the Sale event, please contact Emily.
What’s on in Gippsland
Many thanks for sharing our What’s on in Gippsland - June poster with your workers. If you have an event to add to the calendar, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
COVID-19 tests and vaccinations
The Australian Government - Department of Health and Aged Care website now states:
You do not need to provide proof of COVID-19 vaccination to travel to and from Australia.
As such, new workers arriving at farms across Gippsland may not be vaccinated. A COVID-19 vaccination (or booster shot) can be obtained free of charge at any of the below locations. All that is required is photo ID; (e.g. a passport).
Sale: Priceline Pharmacy Sale & Raymond Street Pharmacy
Lakes Entrance: Lakes Riviera Amcal Pharmacy
Rosedale: Rosedale Family Medical Centre
Morwell: Montague’s Pharmacy
Free COVID-19 tests are also available. Please email Emily if you would like a box of COVID-19 tests for your farm.
Further information
If you have questions about the ISW Program, or any insights, information, or ideas you would like to discuss, please contact Food & Fibre Gippsland. All feedback is greatly appreciated.
Emily Scott – ISW Project Officer
Food & Fibre Gippsland
Mob. 0455 214 102