Foot-and-Mouth Disease Information Roadshows

Women in Dairy across Gippsland are invited to join an information roadshow on foot-and-mouth (FMD) and lumpy skin disease (LSD).

In response to the recent outbreaks of both diseases in Indonesia, people are encouraged to come along and hear from Agriculture Victoria District Vet, Dr Nikkie Chadee on:

1.    Potential impacts to the Agriculture / Dairy Industry

2.    General information on FMD & LSD

3.    What to look for

4.    Transmission and the likelihood of either disease entering Australia

5.    Biosecurity measures that are put in place if there was an outbreak of either disease

6.    Q & A

As many may be calving at this time of year, four sessions have been organised across Gippsland.

These sessions will be short to minimise time off the farm. Lunch will be included with some time to catch up.

The first scheduled session is in Leongatha.

  • DATE: Wednesday 3rd August

*Women in Dairy is an initiative designed to bring women in the dairy industry together and to create opportunities for networking, learning and inspiration. Discussion group meetings are held regularly throughout the year.
Find out more about Women in Dairy here


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