East Gippsland Farmer Survey

Shout out to all East Gippsland farmers and producers with over 40 hectares !


East Gippsland Shire Council (EGSC) wants to hear from you via their Farmer Survey 2021.

This is a new process where EGSC is asking farm owners, managers and share farmers to help Council better understand the agriculture sector.

All the information gathered in the survey will be used to inform Council on major issues for growers and producers across the LGA.

The data collated will also help Inform business and investment opportunities of infrastructure and support services in the region and ensure key agricultural issues are considered when developing policies or allocating resources.

Hard copies have been mailed out, but it is also accessible online - click here to open the survey

The survey is modelled on the Wellington Shire Council (WSC) Survey, which is conducted every four years as part of the partnership into supporting agriculture as recognized in the WSC Looking Ahead Drought Preparedness Paper.

Don’t miss the chance to contribute - deadline for the survey to be completed is September 14.


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